Phone: +52 5585490120
Email: info@turisalud.com
Work center: ABC Medical Center, Observatory, CD. MX
Languages: Spanish

General physician information

I am a general and vascular surgeon consistently certified by the American Board of Surgery,
the Mexican Council of Critical Medicine, the Mexican Council of General Surgery,
and the Mexican Council of Angiology and Vascular Surgery. Throughout my professional life,
I have received several recognitions for my performance and academic activity.

Recognition for the Institutional Teaching Career.
The Americana British Cowdray Medical Center, I.A.P.
Mexico, D.F., December, 2005

Recognition for 17 years as Instructor of the Advanced Trauma Life Support Program – Atls, on its 20th Anniversary in Mexico.
American College of Surgeons – Mexico Chapter. Trauma Committee.
Mexico, D.F. March, 2006.

Who’s Who in Medicine and Healthcare.
The Marquis Who’s Who Publication Board.
6th Edition 2006-2007.

Certification in Continuing Medical Education.
Institute for Medical Quality a Subsidiary of the California Medical Association
California, U.S.A. January, 2003 – December, 2006.

Diploma for 10 years of Academic Services.
National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)
Mexico, D.F. September, 2007.

Recognition for the Promulgation and Teaching as
Advanced Trauma Life Support Program Instructor
American College of Surgeons. Trauma Committee.
San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato. May, 2014.

Recognition for 30 years of Medical Practice.
Ángeles de las Lomas Medical Society, A.C.
Huixquilucan, State of Mexico. February, 2016.

  • Certified by the Common Wealth of Virginia Board of Medicine, Department of Health Regulatory Boards. March, 1983.
  • Certified by the Mexican Board of General Surgery. November, 1984.
    November, 1990.
    March, 1996.
    December, 2002.
    March, 2007.

  • Certified by The State Board of Medical Examiners of New Jersey. January, 1985.
  • Certified by the American Board of Surgery. October, 1986.
    October, 1994.
    September, 2004.
    December, 2014.

  • Certified by the Mexican Board of Critical Care Medicine, A.C. July, 1988. Recertification: 1995.
  • Certified by the Mexican Board of General Surgery.
    November, 1984.
    November, 1990.
    March, 1996.
    December, 2002.
    March, 2007
    April, 2013

  • Certified by the Consejo Mexicano de Angiología y Cirugía Vascular, A.C. (Mexican Board of Angiology and Vascular Surgery).
    June, 1987.
    1999, 2001, 2006, 2011.

  • Certified by The Board of Medical Quality Assurance of the State of California. Physician’s and Surgeon’s Certificate. August, 1988.

Academic / special training

Undergraduate Education Faculty of Medicine National Autonomous University of Mexico: MEXICO CITY, Mexico City, 1973-1979. Degree: Medical Surgeon Professional License: 579692 REG. S.A.A.: 78367 Rotating and Undergraduate Internship: Centro Médico ABC I.A.P. (MEXICO, D.F. 1/1/77-12/31/77) POSTGRADUATE THE WASHINGTON HOSPITAL CENTER, WASHINGTON, D.C. (U.S.A.) Surgery Externship: 4/20/79 - 6/30/80 Surgical Resident: 7/1/80 - 6/30/85 Chief Resident in Surgery: 7/1/84 - 6/30/85 Administrative Chief Resident in Surgery: 7/1/84 - 6/30/85 Vascular Surgery (2 years) Newark Beth Israel Medical Center, a Teaching Affiliate of the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, Newark, New Jersey. (U.S.A.). Fellowship in Research Vascular Surgery: 7/1/85 - 6/30/86 -Endothelial Cell Seeding in Ovine Collagen Bioprosthesis (Canine Model) -Endothelial Cell Seeding in PTFE Prosthetic Grafts (Canine Model) -Endothelial Cell Culture (Canine Model) -Experimental Laser Angioplasty (Canine Model) -Canine Model of Chronic Atrial Fibrillation for Pacing Research -Heart Transplant (Canine Model) Newark Beth Israel Medical Center, a Teaching Affiliate of the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, Fellow in Clinical Vascular Surgery: 7/1/86 - 6/30/87 -General Vascular Surgery -Vascular and Hemodialysis Accesses -Endovascular surgery Diploma in Hospital Financial Administration and Management Diploma in Legal Framework in the Practice of Medicine and Training of Medical Experts. Certified by the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates. January, 1977 Certified by the Federation Licensing Examination (FLEX). August, 1981. Certified by the Government of the District of Columbia, Commission on Licensure to Practice the Healing Art. September, 1981. Certified by the Common Wealth of Virginia Board of Medicine, Department of Health Regulatory Boards. March, 1983. Certified by the Mexican Board of General Surgery. November, 1984. Recertifications: November, 1990. March, 1996. December, 2002. March, 2007. Certified by The State Board of Medical Examiners of New Jersey. January, 1985. Certified by the American Board of Surgery. October, 1986. Recertifications: October, 1994. September, 2004. December, 2014. Certified by the Consejo Mexicano de Medicina Critica, A.C. July, 1988. Recertification: 1995. Certified by the Mexican Board of General Surgery. November, 1984. Recertifications: November, 1990. March, 1996. December, 2002. March, 2007 April, 2013 Certified by the Consejo Mexicano de Angiología y Cirugía Vascular, A.C. (Mexican Board of Angiology and Vascular Surgery). June, 1987. Recertifications: 1999, 2001, 2006, 2011. Certified by The Board of Medical Quality Assurance of the State of California. Physician's and Surgeon's Certificate. August, 1988.
Dr. Guillermo Alfonso Rojas Reyna is the author of articles, books and publications for your reference go to: https://www.drguillermorojas.com/articulos/

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