Phone: +52 4461105194
Email: neurocirugiajf@yahoo.com
Work center: Star Médica, In Santiago de Querétaro, Qro.
Languages: Spanish

General physician information

Certified neurosurgeon with more than 15 years of experience in prevention, diagnosis and treatment of surgical conditions of the brain, spine and nerves.

Certified by the Mexican Board of Neurological Surgery, and member of the Mexican Society of Neurological Surgery.

Academic / special training

● Neurosurgery (2005-2010) Graduated with honors from the specialty of Neurosurgery at the Hospital Juarez de Mexico, in February 2010. ● Fellowship observer at MD Anderson Cancer Center. Houston, Texas, USA. (2009) ● General Surgery (2004) First year of the specialty of General Surgery at HGZ Morelia Michoacán IMSS. ● Medicine (1997-2003) Graduated as a Medical Surgeon from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, School of Medicine, CU. ● Assigned to the Neurosurgery service in the emergency area of the HTOLV IMSS (2011 to date). ● Staff at Hospital Multimédica Norte (2012 to date). ● Assigned to the Neurosurgery Service of the Hospital General Naval de Alta Especialidad (2011-2012). ● Staff at ABC Medical Center 2010
● Certified by the Mexican Board of Neurological Surgery No. Certificate 909. ● Honorable mention, for having completed the specialty of Neurosurgery at the Hospital Juarez de Mexico. COURSES AND CONGRESSES ● X International Meeting of Pediatric Neurosurgery. 2018 ● Neurotrauma course. Cranial and rachimedullary trauma. 2018 ● VII World Congress of Neuroendoscopy. 2015 ● Neurosurgery Navigation Symposium. 2014

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